Wednesday, April 25, 2018

What we do in Bioassays class with fish

These are some pics of we've seen:

Fish Acclimatization:

 Fish culture:
 Zebrafish eggs (and some larvae):
 Water quality parameters of the fish tank:
 Some fish eggs and larvae culture (maintenance with algae):

What we do in the Bioassays class with microalgae

Here are some pics of my proudly teaching labour:

Microalgae in solid medium:

This is a collected microalgae by my students:

Teaching Bioassays

These are my BIOASSAYS students !

They've learned about microalgae and fish culture and some bioassays.

Mainly of we've seen in microalgae is sampling, medium preparation (with F/2), identification, isolation (with serial dilution and solid agar medium), growth (through Neubauer chamber and spectrophotometer) and calculate IC50 (through non lineal regression with a logistic 4P equation in Prism).

In fish we've seen is water preparation, water quality, acclimatization, sex identification, breeding (with stones traps), egg collection, egg identification, viability and hatching of eggs, larvae growth, and behavior through anesthetic effects.

Teaching is great, but more if you are teaching what you like.


These are my other students of Inferential Biostatistics:

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Natural Species collected

I want to show you some natural species collected, planned to use for ecotoxicological assays:


How do you see?

Please, make some comments, thank you!

Ecotoxicology Services in Mexico

Hello guys,

Self professional page of Ecotoxicology Services in Mexico, maybe you can find some useful information:

Thank you!